
Re-Use Re-Work Re-Consider
2nd - 5th November, 2023

Re-Use Re-Work Re-Consider

The "re-use, re-work, re-consider" exhibition, a poignant response to the urgent climate change issue, draws inspiration from Greta Thunberg's powerful message. Guided by visiting artists Nilofer Akmut and Michelle Avison, the Cowasjee Print Studio served as the canvas for this collective endeavor. This exhibition, at the National College of Arts from November 2nd to November 5th,2023, showcased innovative solutions. The artwork will further be displayed in United Kingdom and Sri Lanka, underscoring the shared global responsibility to address climate change. This global reach has been made possible through the collaborative efforts of students , graduates, guest speakers, and faculty from various college departments, all engaged in exploring inventive ways to repurpose materials.